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Decals are used to place images onto a UV with specific location, rotation, and blending. 4 independent Decal sections are available, with extensive base and AudioLink options.

They can be used to add high resolution designs and details onto a mesh without the base texture having to be higher resolution, or to replace base textures entirely. This can allow fun and unique ways to decorate your Avatar with logos, shapes, stickers, or even as a blush emote toggle.

Decal Example

Example of 3 Decals placed on this Avatar's Jacket; a Poiyomi Shaders wordmark, the Poi Logo, and a Snowflake.

Decal RGBA Mask

  • Type: Data Texture (sRGB = OFF)

A mask texture that defines where to place different decals. Each decal section can define which channel of the mask to sample from.

This texture defaults to pure white, so no masking will be applied with no texture defined.

Decal Slot

  • Type: Checkbox

Enables the mentioned Decal slot.

Documentation Info

Each of the 4 decal sections (0, 1, 2, 3) have the following options listed below. They are independent of each other and colors are blended in order of ID, according to their blend operation. Decal Emissions are always added with one another when overlapping.



Decals supports the Raycast feature, which allows you to visually position a Decal on your Model without having to second-guess it's exact UV coordinates.

To use this feature, edit the Decal on your Material directly from the Mesh as shown here:

Left-Click on the Raycast button to enable the feature. Hover the Mouse over your Mesh to position it, then Left-Click again to finalize your placement.


  • Type: Vector2

Where on the UV the decal's center should be.


  • Type: Float, Range: 0.0 - 360.0

How much rotation to apply to the decal, around its center position.

Rotation Speed

  • Type: Float

A constant roatation speed applied to the decal. A value of 180 will rotate the decal once per second.


  • Type: Vector2

Scale of the decal, in UV space. 1.0, 1.0 would map the decal to the entire UV square.

Side Offset

  • Type: Vector4

How much scale offset to define on each side of the decal.


  • Type: Checkbox

Whether or not the decal texture should be tiled. By default, decals are not tiled.


  • Type: Color

Base color for the decal texture. This is blended multiplicative with the Decal.


  • Type: Color Texture (sRGB = ON)

The texture used for the decal. The alpha channel is used to define where the decal should be blended.

Mask Channel

  • Type: Dropdown, Options: R/G/B/A

Which channel of the Decal RGBA mask to use for masking. Expand the Decal Texture Slot to see this property.

Emission Strength

  • Type: Float, Range: 0.0 - 20.0

How much Emission to apply from the Decal's Base Color. Higher values will yield a bloom-like effect in certain Worlds.

Color Blend Mode

  • Type: Dropdown, Options: Replace/Darken/Multiply/Lighten/Screen/Subtract/Add/Overlay/Mixed

Which blending operation to use for the Decal's base color.

These are the same blending operations used in Adobe Photoshop.

Alpha Blend Mode

  • Type: Dropdown
    • Main Options: Off/Replace/Multiply/Add/Subtract/Min/Max
    • Secondary Options: Everywhere/Decal Bounds

Which blending operation to use from the Decal's Alpha channel.


  • Type: Float, Range: 0.0 - 1.0

How much to apply the blended color to the base color.


This slider can be used to hide and show a decal by animating it's value.


  • Type: Float, Range: -0.5 - 2.0

How much parallax depth the decal should have. This can be used for layered parallax posters, or other unique designs.

Hue Shift

  • Type: Checkbox

Enable or Disable hue shifting of the Decal.

Shift Speed

  • Type: Float

How much to constantly shift the decal hue with time. A value of 1 will result in a full hue shift cycle every 20 seconds.

Hue Shift

  • Type: Float, Range: 0.0 - 1.0

How much to shift the base color around the hue circle.

This value is circular, and will have the same result at 0 and 1.

Hue Angle Power

  • Type: Float

How much to shift the hue with surface angle. A value of 1 will give maximum hue shift when looking straight-on, and no hue shift cycle when looking side-on. The opposite effect can be achieved with negative values. Higher or lower values will produce more or less hue shift as the surface angle changes, creating the kind of effect seen on some holographic trading cards and iridescent materials.

Video Texture

  • Type: Checkbox

Enables Video Texture to project on the Decal.


This feature enables a Video Texture to appear on the Decal. It will only work if a Video Player is broadcasting a Global Video Texture property.

Aspect Ratio

  • Type: Dropdown, Options: Shrink2Fit/Grow2Fit/Off

Determines the Aspect Ratio of the Video Texture. You can specify to either fit within the boundaries of your Decal, or fill in the entire Decal boundaries.

Fit To Scale

  • Type: Checkbox

Changes the sizing of the Video Texture to fit to the Scale of the Decal.

Use Decal Alpha

  • Type: Checkbox

Uses the Alpha of the Decal for the Video Texture.

Only Show Video

  • Type: Checkbox

If enabled, will show ONLY the Video on the Decal.


  • Type: Float, Range: 0.0 - 20.0

Adjusts the Emissive effect of the Video Texture. Higher values will yield a bloom-like effect in some Worlds.

Chromatic Aberration

  • Type: Checkbox

Enables a feature that turns the specified Decal into a Chromatic Aberration effect, which splits the colors alongside a specified angle.


  • Type: Float

Amount of aberration to use, increasing it's distance. Higher values will yield more intense aberration.

Surface Angle Intensity

  • Type: Float

Adjusts how the surface influences the Angle intensity.


  • Type: Float, Range: -1.0 - 1.0

Modifies the chromatic hue on the aberration.


  • Type: Float, Range: -3.14 - 3.14

Adjusts the direction of the aberration.

Premultiply Alpha

  • Type: Checkbox

Enables pre-multiplying the Alpha of your Decal for Chromatic Aberration.


Face Mask

  • Type: Dropdown, Options: Off/Front Only/Back Only

Choice of where the Decal should appear on your Normals. You can choose it to appear only on the Front Face, the Back Face, or Both (default).

Apply From Global Mask

  • Type: Dropdown, Options: Off/1R/1G/1B/1A/2R/2G/2B/2A/3R/3G/3B/3A/4R/4G/4B/4A

Select which Global Mask to apply directly onto the Decal.

Apply To Global Mask

  • Type: Dropdown, Options: Off/1R/1G/1B/1A/2R/2G/2B/2A/3R/3G/3B/3A/4R/4G/4B/4A

Select which Global Mask to send your Decal's effects onto the specified Global Mask.


This section allows control of the Decals through AudioLink. It will only be exposed when AudioLink is activated on the Material.

Scale Band

  • Type: Dropdown, Options: Bass/Low Mid/High Mid/Treble

Which band of the audio to use for the Audio Link Scale Mod.

Scale Mod

How much to modify (mod) the scale of the decal. These values are added to the current scale, and can be positive or negative.

  • Type: Vector4
XAmount Added to X Scale with no audio in Scale Band
YAmount Added to Y Scale with no audio in Scale Band
ZAmount Added to X Scale with max audio in Scale Band
WAmount Added to Y Scale with max audio in Scale Band

Side Band

  • Type: Dropdown, Options: Bass/Low Mid/High Mid/Treble

Which band to use for the Audio Link Side adjustment.

Side Mod Min

  • Type: Vector4

How much to modify (mod) the side adjustment of the decal when there is no audio in the Side Band. These values are added to the current scale, and can be positive or negative.

XAmount Added to X Left with no audio in Side Band
YAmount Added to X Right with no audio in Side Band
ZAmount Added to Y Up with no audio in Side Band
WAmount Added to Y Down with no audio in Side Band

Side Mod Max

How much to modify (mod) the side adjustment of the decal when there is maximum audio in the Side Band. These values are added to the current scale, and can be positive or negative.

  • Type: Vector4
XAmount Added to X Left with max audio in Side Band
YAmount Added to X Right with max audio in Side Band
ZAmount Added to Y Up with max audio in Side Band
WAmount Added to Y Down with max audio in Side Band

Rotation Band

  • Type: Dropdown, Options: Bass/Low Mid/High Mid/Treble

Which band to use for the Audio Link Rotation adjustment.

Rotation Mod

  • Type: Vector2

How much to modify (mod) the rotation of the decal, in degrees.

XAmount Added to rotation with no audio in Rotation Band
YAmount Added to rotation with max audio in Rotation Band

Alpha Band

  • Type: Dropdown, Options: Bass/Low Mid/High Mid/Treble

Which band to use for the Audio Link Alpha adjustment.

Alpha Mod

  • Type: Vector2

How much to modify (mod) the alpha of the decal, in degrees.

XAmount Added to alpha with no audio in alpha Band
YAmount Added to alpha with max audio in alpha Band

Emission Band

  • Type: Dropdown, Options: Bass/Low Mid/High Mid/Treble

Which band to use for the Audio Link Emission adjustment.

Emission Mod

  • Type: Vector2

How much to modify (mod) the alpha of the decal.

XAmount Added to Emission with no audio in Emission Band
YAmount Added to Emission with max audio in Emission Band

CC Strip

  • Type: Checkbox

Enables or disables the ColorChord strip. ColorChord strip is a strip of colors that vary based on the audio, producing specific consistent colors for given chords.

Chrono Rotation Band

  • Type: Dropdown, Options: Bass/Low Mid/High Mid/Treble

Which band to use for the Audio Link Chrono Rotation adjustment.

Chrono Motion Type

  • Type: Dropdown

Which motion type to use for the Chrono Rotation. Chronotensity is an Audio Link feature that allows time-dependent features, which shaders alone cannot do. In this case, chronotensity is used to create a time-dependent rotation of the decal.

Chronotensity Options
  • Motion Increases as intensity of the band increases
  • Above but Smooth
  • Motion moves back and forth as a function of intensity
  • Above but Smoooth
  • Fixed Speed Increase when the band is dark Stationary when light
  • Above but Smooooth
  • Fixed Speed Increase when the band is dark Fixed speed decrease when light

Chrono Rotation Speed

  • Type: Float

How much chronotensity should affect the rotation of the decal. Good starting values are 0.1 - 0.5.